First & Only Urine Test for Colon Polyps Expands Across the US

Metabolomic Technologies Inc. (MTI) is excited to announce the national expansion of its proprietary and innovative test, PolypDx™. This non-invasive, convenient urine test is a major breakthrough to detect adenomatous polyps and help prevent colon cancer. MTI has partnered with Forefront Health Partners, a St. Louis based healthcare consulting group, and QualiTox Laboratories, LLC, a Pittsburgh based high complexity laboratory, to initiate this expansive growth within the U.S. market by offering a convenient at home sample collection kit. PolypDx™ kits will be shipped directly to the patient, where they can provide the urine sample from the comfort of their own home and ship it in a pre-paid courier package to the laboratory for analysis. US patients can order the test on the new website.

See the full press release here.